Doorstep Photo shoots have become very popular in this strange, surreal time we are currently living through. Normal has disappeared and we have been in lockdown for weeks. Photographers, like other small businesses have had to adapt to current circumstances. Whilst I have been very sad to see nearly all of this year’s wedding bookings reschedule to 2021, I decided to get out with my camera to capture some family memories for people. It is fair to say that I have loved it!

Doorstep Photos

Posing a family in front of their front door is not the normal way I like to photograph people! Infact, the less posed, the better. I am all about real moments, connections, love and fun within the family. But I soon realised that these are real moments, the love and connections of people are shining through in these images. The photographs represent a time in history that these families will look back on and remember forever. They represent the good things that have come out of this terrible situation we have been living through. Forced time at home has reconnected us with the people we love the most. It has strengthened bonds and taken us back to our roots. Family means everything.

The Kids!

I have loved hearing stories of how the kids have adapted, coped and flourished during lockdown. Children have learnt to ride bikes, scooters and skateboards. They have baked like never before! They have got creative, learnt instruments and painted beautiful rainbows. Some have become closer to siblings. They have built dens, made up games, got active in the sunshine and enjoyed walks out with the family. I have heard about how some children have become calmer, happier and anxiety has disappeared. I am a great believer in searching for the good things in every situation. While I hate the tragedy that Covid 19 has brought, I love the good things that have come out of this surreal time.

I am a lover of family stories and documenting moments. Doorstep portraits are a way of doing this at this present moment. Life continues, pregnancies are blooming, babies have been born and children are growing fast! Whilst I can’t get out to do the normal photo shoots that I love, I will be continuing to offer doorstep photo shoots to capture these moments.

Last week I offered doorstep photo shoots to raise money for a charity close to my heart- Brain tumour support. This charity offers a lifeline to families who are going through their darkest times, following a brain tumour diagnosis. Like most UK charities, Brain Tumour Support is in crisis because of Covid 19 and needs support to continue their amazing work- supporting people so they are not alone. I have been overwhelmed with the generosity of donations last week and am very proud to say I have raised £560. If you would like to support this charity, please take a look at their current appeal to see how you can get involved. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated.

Going forward, I am happy to be offering Doorstep photo shoots until the end of May. They are available in Balsall common and surrounding areas. They are £30 and you receive 5 digital images, with an option to purchase more images if you wish. All shoots are taken following social distancing measures. I would love to hear from you if you would like to book a shoot.

Family sitting on their doorstep for family shoot
Little girl dressed up as tinkerbell laughing
Family sitting together on their doorstep
2 rough collie dogs sitting on doorstep with family
2 brothers and a sister sitting on doorstep. Family photography
little boy looking out of window during lockdown
little girl looking through the window during lockdown
Family laughing and cuddling during lockdown
family sitting on doorstep laughing at dog
boy looking out of window during lockdown. Standing by painting of a rainbow
brothers and sisters laughing outside their house during doorstep photos
family laughing together on front garden
Family standing in front of their house for doorstep photographs
brother and sister cuddling dog in doorstep photograph session
Family and dog standing in the doorway of their house. Doorstep photography session
Doorstep photo shoot, family in front of their house
Family cuddling dog in doorstep photo shoot
doorstep photo session, family standing in doorway of house
brother and sister sitting on front step in doorstep photo session
Family laughing in front garden- doorstep photo shoot
doorstep photo shoot, family cuddling
Family on front door step- doorstep photo shoot
Family cuddling in doorstep photo shoot
family cuddling on front garden , doorstep photo shoot
Mum cuddling daughters in doorstep photo shoot
family laughing on doorstep photo shoot
brother and sister laughing, sitting on doorstep for doorstep portrait
Family laughing in front of their front door, family doorstep photo shoot
brothers laughing with their teddies on front garden, doorstep photo shoot
Mum and son, doorstep photo shoot
brother and sister in front garden on doorstep photo shoot
family standing together in front porch, family doorstep photo shoot
brother tickling sister, doorstep photo shoot
brothers cuddling on front door, doorstep portrait session
family standing together in front of their house, doorstep portrait session
sisters sitting on front door step, doorstep portrait session
brothers sitting on doorstep laughing
family standing in front garden, doorstep photo shoot
family standing on doorstep for family photo session
big brother cuddling little brother on front door step, family photo shoot on doorstep